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Payment options for 2019-2020 Season

Thank you all for your patience while we finish the transition over to this new system that is provided to us by the Penguins and PAHL.  As far as making payments on your account (once the invoices go out) there are a couple options.  Unfortunately, SportsEngine doesn't yet have the pay online with a CC option but we hope that is coming soon.  So you can pay using the gray drop box located on the side of the blue shelving unit just through the first set of doors to the turf side at the front of the building.  If you pay this way, please include a player name on the memo of the check and if paying with cash, put in an envelope and list the player name on the envelope.  If you would like to pay via CC we will have limited opportunities to do so using our square reader at the rinks, probably on Mondays.  Scott Manzek is our treasurer and if you don't know Scott, check with your manager or another board member.  The other option is to mail payment to our PO Box 1432, Indiana PA 15701.

Thank you and we hope you have a great season as part of the IYHA family this year!

Perry Muir
President IYHA


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